I noticed that the place I set it down had a wet circle, and the bottom of the mug did indeed feel damp. After finishing off the remaining coffee and letting the mug sit for a little bit it felt dry again. Then I refilled it, and as soon as I picked it up the bottom felt wet again.
In the afternoon I rinsed it out, and decided to do a test. I filled it up with water and sat it on my desk for a few minutes to see what would happen. The bottom remained dry. I repeated the test when I got home with the same results. In case the temperature of the contents made a difference, I boiled up some water and poured it in. The mug got hot since it doesn't seem to be that well insulated, but the entire exterior remained dry.
I typically only use a travel mug when my coffee has to travel but I decided to use it again this morning at home as one final test. I made up some coffee, poured it into the mug, and even after sitting for a couple minutes and me taking my time drinking it, the bottom was still quite dry.
The idea that this mug could have a leak inside is puzzling as well (not only regarding my experience, but for the others who said theirs leaked in the past), as the interior is constructed from one solid piece of aluminum. Unless it somehow cracked (And what would it take to cause an aluminum mug to crack?) or the owners punched a hole in it, I don't see how it's even possible for the contents of the mug to leak out.
Yesterday the idea was put out there that I'm just a sloppy pourer but the first cup in the morning had been poured by a trained professional at the local Starbucks so that can't be it. Both times I noticed it apparently leaking it had been set down on the counter in the kitchen at work, so perhaps the counter was just really wet and I didn't notice? No, that can't be it either. I can only draw one conclusion. Terrorists.
Yes, terrorists. What better way to tear apart the fabric of Western society than to interfere with our coffee drinking. They've somehow found a ninja-like way to follow people around and spray water on the bottom of their mugs without being noticed. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and find a security system and cameras to install in my apartment. Whatever it takes to keep the evil terrorists away from my coffee.
Be sure to read part 2, now online!
Here's a thought: maybe the foam on the bottom of the mug was wet from the dishwasher? Thats what happens to mine sometimes.
It wasn't terrorists, Mike. It was robot ninjas. :)
So to sum up, robot ninjas put my mug in the dishwasher when I wasn't looking.
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