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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Baby on Board

You can fairly frequently come across a car or van with a “Baby on Board” sign in the window. Homer Simpson even wrote a song about them. But I frequently wonder what's the point?

Seriously, are people going to go, “I was going to accidentally rear-end that car, but OH NO! There's a BABY ON BOARD so I guess I can't!” Or maybe it's just a type of bragging. “Look at me, I have a baby and you don't!”

Just as dumb, in my opinion, are those decals I've been seeing more and more lately with stick figures of all the family members. Although I admit I found it hilarious when I saw one that was one stick person and a whole bunch of stick cats.

In the event that I ever have children at some point down the road, there are not going to be any signs and decals on my car...


Unknown said...

I have the same ponderings.

Cassy said...

Us too. Someone gave us one of those signs, and it remains in the packaging in a drawer somewhere. Seems silly to me.

Except I think the stick people are kind of cute. And the stick person with stick cats made me laugh!

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